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SANTINA TRICOMI, called "LORY", born in Milan in 1944, self-taught PAINTER AND student of Liliana Zappalà and Maria Bartoli, dedicated herself at full rhythm to painting since 1992, when he leaves for retirement the role of Professor of Community Economics in Catania, where she still lives.


The painting of Lory Tricomi imposes itself immediately by the originality of the subjects and techniques used, starting from a figurative expressionism given by a material and plastic lay of color, which easily turns to the informal material abstract, characterized by the refusal to the representation of canonic shapes and colors, and that draws only on the imagination and the artist's inner vision and his moods. Fundamental for Lory Tricomi is the incessant experimentation of new painting techniques, the use of chromatic doughs and heterogeneous materials that emerge from the work surface with plastic and expressive power, putting in the foreground the "material" understood as magma of primordial energies, which are not harnessed into recognizable and limited shapes, but poured out freely on the support on the basis of the inner impulse of the artist, not without the aid of a studied technique capacity and experimentation of new artistic and original solutions. So, in Lory Tricomi’s painting it’s going to break the two-dimensional of artwork as a purely descriptive or figurative, rather than taking shape as a living organism, tangible and tactile, not only because of the contamination and the inclusion of commonly used and "three-dimensional" materials, but also of the original choice of supports, such as fabrics or carpets, which highlight sensuous and sinuous figures.


Lory Tricomi's works are present in numerous private collections, yearbooks and catalogs of contemporary art, as well as in national and international exhibitions, including those organized by the "Federiciana Academy" of Orazio Fortunato Signorello in the prestigious Palazzo Minio in Catania and throughout Italy, in particular, among the most recent, the art exhibition at the Gallery "Atelier" of Milan.


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